Pink, Green, Orange, Purple! Look for Some More Colors in Happy Valley! ピンク、緑、オレンジ、パープル!ハッピーバレーでもっと色を探してみよう!

Colors are fun to look at, draw or say in English! Let’s learn more color words with this week’s video. 色は見るのも描くのも英語で言うのも楽しい!今週の動画でもっと色の単語を覚えましょう! Classroom Tip Learning colors with this song has never been more fun. Students don’t often have a chance to...

Fly, Swim, Dive and Crawl Along with Kinka from Happy Valley! ハッピーバレーのキンカと一緒に飛んで、泳いで、潜って、はってみよう!

Kids like to move and play while they learn. This week’s video shows you different ways to move. It’s great for kids who love animals, too! 子供は動いて遊んで学ぶのが好きです。今週の動画では色々な動きを紹介します。動物が好きな子は大喜び! Classroom Tip Fly, Swim, Dive, Crawl is a great song for getting...

It’s a Blue Flower! Pair Colors with Nouns in Happy Valley. 青い花だ!ハッピーバレーで色と名詞のペアを作りましょう。

With this week’s video, we use the colors, objects and phrases we’ve been studying to make simple sentences. 今週の動画では今まで勉強してきた色、物、フレーズを使って簡単な文を作ります。 Classroom Tip This is an extension of the “It’s a” chant and builds upon the Unit 2 language...

Join Happy Valley’s Kinka and Pinka in the kitchen for a fruit snack! ハッピーバレーのキンカとピンカと一緒に台所で果物のおやつ!

Fruit is not only a healthy snack, it’s also colorful and fun! Please enjoy this week’s video. 果物はヘルシーなおやつだけでなく、カラフルで楽しいですね!今週の動画を楽しんでください。 Classroom Tip Storytime 5 is a chance to introduce the language students will focus on in this unit, including:...