Idiom of the Week: Keep it under your hat

“We’re getting Sally her own car for her birthday. But keep it under your hat—it’s going to be a surprise!” To keep something under your hat is to keep it a secret and not tell anyone about it. If it’s hidden under your hat, no one can see it—a secret!...

Idiom of the Week: A Tall Order

“You want the whole report done today? That’s a pretty tall order.” A tall order is something that’s difficult, maybe impossible, to do. An “order” is an instruction to do something. Imagine a long list of things to do or items in a big order in a restaurant—if you...

Idiom of the Week: Cold Turkey

“I want to quit smoking, so I’m trying to limit it to one cigarette a day.” “The best way is to just go cold turkey. That’s what I did.” When you give up something like smoking, alcohol, gambling or just chocolate, there are many strategies. You can try to reduce it...

Idiom of the Week: Easy as Pie

“Don’t worry; it’s as easy as pie!”   But baking a pie is hard, isn’t it? It may be easy for an experienced baker, but something that’s “easy as pie” is easy for anybody! “Easy as pie” refers to eating pie, not baking a pie. Eating a pie is usually easy and fun!...

Idiom of the Week: Straight from the Horse’s Mouth

“Are you sure this information is reliable?” “I got it straight from the horse’s mouth.” The best information comes from people who are directly involved. In horse racing, who is more directly involved than the actual horse? This saying means the information comes...