Modern English Idiom of the Week: Rock-Bottom

“I lost my job and my husband left me and took the kids. I’ve really hit rock-bottom.” When you are digging a hole with a shovel and you hit solid rock, you can’t dig any farther. The rock is the bottom of the hole, and you can’t go any...

Idiom of the Week: Mexican Standoff

“Neither of us wanted to make a deal, so it was a Mexican standoff.”   A Mexican standoff is a confrontation in which nobody has a good option. The tension continues because nobody has an advantage and nobody can retreat.  ...

Idiom of the Week: A Fish Out of Water

“I went to a party with some of my classmates but I didn’t really fit in. I felt like a fish out of water.” A fish belongs in the water, so when it is in the air or on the land it is very uncomfortable. We say someone is like a fish out of water when...

Idiom of the Week: Come to Your Senses

“So you’ve decided not to quit your job and become an ostrich photographer after all? I’m glad you’ve come to your senses.”   To come to one’s senses is to think clearly. We say someone has come to their senses when they give...