Idiom of the Week: Think Outside the Box

“Consumers are no longer affected by traditional advertising strategies. We need to think outside the box for our new campaign!” “The box” contains all the old and usual ideas. If someone tells you to think outside the box, they want you to be...

Idiom of the Week: Asleep at the Wheel

“There were signs of trouble for a long time before the dam finally broke, but the corporation that manages it was asleep at the wheel.” A driver falling asleep at the steering wheel of his car is a common cause of car accidents. We can use this idiom to...

Idiom of the Week: Picture Perfect

“She made sure the room was picture perfect before the party.” Something that is picture perfect looks exactly right. No detail is overlooked. Perhaps it’s called “picture perfect” because it looks too perfect to be real, more like...

Idiom of the Week: Tinker

“Did you add that function to our website?” “No, I still need to tinker with it until it works right.” “My sister loves to take machines apart and tinker with them.” Tinkering is building or rebuilding something, usually a machine....

Idiom of the Week: Across the Board

“The employees’ salaries were increased across the board.” This means that all the employees got a raise. The board in “across the board” was originally a board displaying the odds for betting on horse races. The term “across the...