Idiom of the Week: Too Awesome For Words

“How was the theme park?” “Too awesome for words!” If something is too awesome for words, it’s so great that words cannot describe it. The phrase can be used with pretty much any adjective. 「テーマパークはどうだった?」 「言葉にできないほどすごかった!」...

Idiom of the Week: In Tune

“Wow, you two won the doubles tennis match easily!” “Yeah, we’re really in tune.” To play together, musical instruments must be tuned so that they hit the same exact pitch if they play the same note. Otherwise the music will sound strange...

Idiom of the Week: Whatnot

“This drawer is where I keep all my art supplies and stationery and whatnot.” “After you finish cooking, make sure you clean all the pots and pans and whatnot that you used.” “Whatnot” pretty much always comes at the end of a list...

Idiom of the Week: Worlds Apart

“How do you like your new apartment?” “It’s great! It’s worlds apart from our old place. That place was a dump!” When two things are “worlds apart” it means there is a big difference between them. If the difference is as...

Idiom of the Week: Learn the Ropes

“So you’re the new employee? Come on, I’ll show you the ropes.” When someone starts a new job, they must first “learn the ropes”. This comes from sailing, where you literally have to learn all the ropes and how to use them. Now it...