Idiom of the Week: Eating Me Out of House and Home

“Bruno is a good dog and my best friend, but he’s so big. He’s eating me out of house and home! I’m going to have to get a part-time job just to buy him dog food.” If someone eats a lot, it costs a lot of money to keep them fed. If you...

Idiom of the Week: Rock Solid

“Are you sure Jenkins can make the sale?” “Sure, he’s a rock solid salesman.” Something that’s solid is reliable. And there’s not much more solid than a rock. So someone or something that is rock solid is very reliable....

Idiom of the Week: A Screw Loose

“That’s a crazy idea! Do you have a screw loose?” If someone “has a screw loose”, it means they are crazy. Imagine them as a machine or a robot. If a machine has a loose screw, it might not function properly. So when someone acts or talks...

Idiom of the Week: Shanghaied

“Wait a second. You said we were going to visit Grandma, but this isn’t the way to her house. We’re going to the doctor, aren’t we? I’ve been shanghaied!” “Shanghai” as a verb means “kidnap”. It came into use...

Idiom of the Week: Wear and Tear

“I’ve been taking it everywhere with me for almost two years and it’s starting to show some wear and tear.” “Wear” is signs of age and use. If you use something until it can’t be used anymore, it gets “worn out”....