Idiom of the Week: What is the world coming to?

“Three dollars for a carton of milk!? What is the world coming to?” When something is surprising, strange, and often bad, we use this phrase to express despair or amazement at the new situation. The world is becoming very strange and different from what we are used...

Idiom of the Week: All in the Same Boat

Tour bus driver: “Thank you for helping to change the tire.” Tourist: “Well, we’re all in the same boat. I want to get back on the road as much as you do.” When two or more people are in the same situation, they are said to be “in the same boat”. If two people are in...

Idiom of the Week: In On the Ground Floor

“You should help with my new project. It’s going to be big, and you’ll be in on the ground floor.” Sometimes it’s advantageous to be involved in something when it first starts, so you have a long history with it later when it is successful. For example, if you bought...

Idiom of the Week: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

“I don’t know what to do. If I take my dream job, I’ll have to leave my boyfriend and move to the city. But if I stay here with him, I have to keep doing this lousy job.” “Sounds like you’re really stuck between a rock and a hard place.” A rock and a hard place are...

Idiom of the Week: Hit the Nail on the Head

“You really hit the nail on the head when you suggested we get another litter box. We haven’t had any problems with the cats since!” The head of a nail is the flat part on the top. It is designed to be hit with a hammer. “Hitting the nail on the head” means getting...