Idiom of the Week: Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth

“Let’s put ribbon here and paper hearts there. Mom will love this Mother’s Day card!” “No, I want to put the paper hearts over here.” “I know what to do. Give it to me!” “Now look! You ripped it!” When several people have different ideas of how to do something, they...

Idiom of the Week: An Ace Up My Sleeve

“Tama won’t take her medicine!” “Don’t worry. I have an ace up my sleeve.” “Cheese? What will you do with that?” “Hide the pill inside. She loves cheese!” An ace up your sleeve is a last-resort solution that is sure to work. It comes from cheating at card games. An...

Idiom of the Week: Empty Words

“I think we should break up.” “All those times you said you loved me! Were they just empty words?” Empty words are lies, or promises that will not be kept. If someone is not trustworthy, their promises might be just empty words. Sometimes advertising contains a lot of...

Idiom of the Week: Music to My Ears

Josh: I know it’s late, but would you like to stay for dinner? Betty: That’s music to my ears. I’m starving. When we hear something that makes us happy, we can describe it as “music to our ears”. In this example, Betty liked what Josh said, but it can refer to sounds...

Idiom of the Week: Whatchamacallit

John: Martha, how do I fix the whatchamacallit on the computer? The internet thingie? Martha: You mean the router? Just unplug it and plug it back in. “Whatchamacallit” is a word we can use when we don’t remember the proper name of something. If a person knows what...