A present please! Let’s ask for things in English! プレゼントをください!英語でお願いしてみましょう!

This week’s video shows a simple but polite way to ask for something you want. It’s easy to practice at mealtimes! 今週の動画は、何か欲しいものがあるときに使う簡単で礼儀正しい言い方を紹介します。食事のときに練習してみましょう! Classroom Tip Practice the target language from Happy Valley 1 Unit 8 with this...

It’s a bee! Let’s learn some animal words! ミツバチだ!動物の単語を覚えましょう!

This week’s video teaches words for some animals that your child might see in their daily life! 今週の動画では日常生活で見かけるかもしれない動物の名前を教えます! Classroom Tip This song goes with Happy Valley 1 Unit 8 vocabulary. Do the It’s a Chant and use this in place of the CD and FC....

Yes! No! Practice these basic answers with Happy Valley’s Kinka and Pinka! イエス!ノー!ハッピーバレーのキンカとピンカと一緒に基本の返事を練習しましょう!

In this week’s video we use a song to practice the most basic words for answering questions, yes and no. 今週の動画では歌を使って一番簡単な返事の言葉、イエスとノーの練習をします。 Classroom Tip The Yes, No Song is great for working on answering Yes/No Questions. Use it with Unit 8 of Happy Valley...

Is it a frog? Ask and answer about animals and insects! カエルかな?動物や昆虫について質問して答えましょう!

In this week’s video, let’s look at some animals and insects your child might see when you visit the pond! Then we can use them to practice asking and answering some yes-or-no questions. 今週の動画で池に行けば会えるかもしれない動物や昆虫を見てみましょう! Yes またはNo で答える質問の練習に使えますよ。...