Dog Tired

今週も動物シリーズです。Dogを使った表現もたくさんありますが、今日はコレ、Dog Tiredです!意味ですが何となく想像できますよね。元気で疲れ知らずのワンコがTiredなので、 「疲れ果てた」「へとへと」「くたくた」って意味です。もう覚えましたね! I’m dog tired....

Phrase of the Week: Needs Work

“Your math scores are really good, but your English needs work.” “The car still needs some work before I will be able to drive it.” If something “needs work” it means there are tasks that must be completed in order for it to be good quality. It can also mean that a...

Phrase: Spark a debate

“The accident sparked a debate about the current safety measures.” A spark can start a fire. (Perhaps you’ve seen someone start a fire by striking two pieces of flint together to make a spark.) In this phrase, something starts not a fire but a debate. We talk about...

Phrase: It’s Going To Get Worse Before It Gets Better

“I realized I had left my keys inside. Then I felt a raindrop. The sky was gray and cloudy. I said to myself, this is going to get worse before it gets better.” This phrase can be heard when a bad situation appears to be getting worse. However, it also includes hope...

Phrase of the Week: Crop Up

“I had my vacation planned out, but some problems cropped up at the last minute.” To “crop up” is to appear without warning. This phrase is often used with problems or difficulties, but other things can crop up, too: “Protests against environmentally unfriendly policy...