Phrase of the Week: Stop at the store

“I’ll stop at the store for milk on the way home.” “Can you stop at school on the way to work and get my homework for today?” “The train bound for Osaka stops at Kyoto.” This is a useful phrase when you go somewhere for a short time on the way to somewhere else....

Phrase of the Week: Rub It In

“Rub the sunscreen into your skin.”   “Rub it in” means to rub a liquid onto a surface until it is absorbed. But we often use this phrase to mean drawing attention to someone’s failure.   “You failed the math test?” “Yes.” “After you studied all night? Your...

Phrase of the Week: Make You Pay

“Did you just shoot a blue shell at me? I’ll make you pay for that!” “Calm down. It’s just a video game.” To make someone pay (for something they did) is to get revenge (for what they did). Of course, it can sometimes mean to force someone to pay money for something....

Phrase of the Week: How About You?

“I liked the movie. How about you?” “I’m allergic to peanuts. How about you?” “Betty has a cat. How about you?” “How about you?” can mean many things, depending on the topic of the conversation in which it is used. In these examples, it could mean: “Did you like the...

Phrase of the Week: Cut up about it

“Her mother was away on business for her birthday? Is she okay?” “She’s still pretty cut up about it.” If someone is “cut up about” something, they are hurt emotionally. This phrase often describes how someone feels in the days or weeks after something very sad...