Phrase of the Week: Knock Out

“The explosion knocked him out, but he was not seriously injured.” When someone loses consciousness, usually due to being hit by something, such as a punch, we say they are “knocked out”. In an organized fight, such as a boxing match, it can be...

Phrase of the Week: Pass Out

“He passed out from lack of oxygen, but he’s okay now.” If you lose consciousness for a reason such as illness or overexertion, we say you pass out. Normally this phrase isn’t used for sleep, but occasionally you might hear something like,...

Phrase of the Week: My Least Favorite

“Yuck. Licorice is my least favorite jelly bean flavor.” Your favorite is the one you like most. Your least favorite is the opposite, the one you like least. Despite the use of the word “favorite”, it’s the one you dislike most....

Phrase of the Week: I’ve Had Enough

“I’ve had enough of your constant arguing! If you two can’t get along, go fight somewhere else.” When you’ve had enough of something, you can’t take it anymore. You’re sick and tired of it. Of course, you can also say,...