Phrase of the Week: I’ll Miss You

“Have fun on your trip. I’ll miss you!” When someone close to us is not nearby, or we can’t see or talk to them for a while, we miss them. This phrase tells someone who is leaving that the speaker will feel lonely while they are gone. We want our friends to enjoy...

Phrase of the Week: Wish You Were Here

“We’re having a great vacation. Wish you were here! Love, Emily” This is something you might write on a postcard. There isn’t much room, and you can’t write anything too personal because there is no envelope and anyone could read it....

Phrase of the Week: Don’t Keep Us in Suspense

“You’ll never guess who I saw at the store today.” “Who?” “It’s someone you know, but I don’t think you’ve seen him for a few years.” “Don’t keep us in suspense. Just tell us already.” “All right, fine. It was my cousin.” A good storyteller can create a feeling of...

Phrase of the Week: I Stubbed My Toe

“Ouch! I stubbed my toe on the table leg.” It’s easy to catch your toe on the leg of a table or chair. Sometimes it’s very painful. We call this “stubbing your toe”. 「痛!テーブルの脚で足の指を打ちつけてしまった。」...

Phrase of the Week: My Mind Went Blank

“I studied a lot, but when the teacher asked me a question in front of everyone, my mind went blank and I couldn’t answer.” Sometimes in a stressful situation, you can’t think of what to do or say, even though you would normally know. In...