Phrase of the Week: A Big Deal

“Sorry I lost the book you lent me.” “Don’t worry; it’s not a big deal.” A big deal is something very important or meaningful. When we use this phrase, we usually say things are not a big deal. For example, when someone apologizes for a small mistake, we say it’s not...

Phrase of the Week: Hang Out

“Every day after school I hang out at the mall with my friends until my dad comes to pick me up.” “Hanging out” is spending time somewhere or with someone without doing anything important. You can hang out and watch a movie, or hang out and play video games, or hang...

Phrase of the Week: Something’s Come Up

“Are we still on for the movie tomorrow?” “Oh, I’m sorry. Something’s come up.” When we have to cancel plans, we often say that “something has come up”. This means that something unforeseen happened that we have to prioritize over the plans we made with our friends....

Phrase of the Week: Come Off As

“I just got an email from Sarah asking me to go out with her this weekend. Help me figure out how to say no without coming off as a jerk.” “Come off as” means to give someone a certain impression. It’s similar to “appear” or “seem to be”. The impression isn’t always...

Phrase of the Week: Come Up With

“I always come up with my best ideas in the shower.” “Come up with” means “think of”. We often come up with ideas, answers or plans. We can also come up with other things, such as money. “There was a great TV on sale, but I couldn’t come up with the...