Title: Phrase of the Week: Come Down With

“I can’t come to the party today. I’ve come down with a bad cold.” “Come down with” means to get a disease. You might come down with a cold, the flu, measles or another disease. If you don’t know what sickness you have, you can just say, “I’ve come down with...

Phrase of the Week: For Your Information

Bob: “Hey Susie! Shouldn’t you be studying for finals?” Susie: “For your information, I finished my finals last week!” Tour guide: “Just FYI, there’s a steep cliff at the edge of the park, so watch your step.” We use “for your information” to tell someone we’re going...

Phrase of the Week: Take Advantage

“What a lovely day! We’d be foolish not to take advantage of this fine weather. Let’s go have a picnic.” We can take advantage of many things. Often we take advantage of a good situation or opportunity to do something. In battle, we can take advantage of our enemy’s...

Phrase of the Week: Point of No Return

“This is your last chance to change your mind. We are about to pass the point of no return.” The point of no return is a place where, if you go any further, you will not be able to go back. For example, if you have fuel or supplies for a ten-day journey, if you travel...

Phrase of the Week: I can’t thank you enough!

“You saved our cat from the fire! I can’t thank you enough!” We use this phrase when we are very, very thankful. No matter how much we thank the person, it won’t be “enough”. Here is a similar phrase: “I cannot overemphasize how important this is.” No matter how much...