Phrase of the Week: That really hits the spot

“That pizza was delicious!” “Yeah, I’ve been craving pizza all week. That really hits the spot!” When a food is very satisfying, we say it “hits the spot”. 「ピザ美味しかった!」 「うん、今週ずっとピザが食べたかった。満足した!」 食べ物がとても満足させるときに、それを「hits the spot」と言います。...

Phrase of the Week: He stood me up.

Paul: “How was your date with George?” Cynthia: “I can’t believe it. He stood me up! I waited for hours.” Paul: “That’s terrible!” If you make a promise to meet someone somewhere and then never show up at the meeting spot, you have stood the person up. This is a mean...

Phrase of the Week: She hung up on me.

Ethel: “Hello, Janice? This is Ethel. I wanted to—Oh! She hung up on me! Can you believe it?” Hanging up on someone is ending a phone call before the conversation is finished. If you don’t want to talk to someone, you can hang up on them. However, they might be...

Phrase of the Week: Tuckered Out

Dad: “Look, Jimmy fell asleep while playing with blocks.” Mom: “Aww, he’s all tuckered out.” “Tuckered out” means “tired” or “exhausted”. It is sort of a cute word, so it is often used to talk about children or animals. パパ:「見て、ジミーが積み木で遊んでる途中で寝ちゃった。」 ママ:「あら、つかれちゃったね。」...

Phrase of the Week: Free Rein

Jenkins: “What system should we use for—” Boss: “Whatever you want, Jenkins. I’m giving you free rein on this project.” Reins are the long strips of leather or rope that we use to control a horse while riding. In this conversation, Jenkins is the horse, and his boss...