Phrase of the Week: That Makes Two of Us!

Phyllis: I love pizza! Jennifer: That makes two of us! Husband: I don’t want you to be transferred overseas. Wife: That makes two of us. In the first example above, Jennifer already knew one person who loved pizza: herself. Then when Phyllis said she loved pizza,...

Phrase of the Week: No Such Thing

Beth: Did you hear that? I think this place is haunted. Jan: Don’t be silly. There’s no such thing as ghosts. Do you believe in ghosts? Aliens? If you don’t, you can say that there is no such thing as ghosts or aliens. It means they do not exist.  ...

Phrase of the Week: Be my guest

Jake: Can I borrow your kitchen to make a sandwich? I’m starving. Clementine: Be my guest. Just don’t use all the pickles. This phrase is used to invite someone to do something. You can also say, “Go ahead.” Sometimes it implies that the speaker is not going to do the...

Phrase of the Week: We broke up

Thelma: So I saw you at the movie theater with Brian. Does your boyfriend know about this? Julia: Oh, we broke up last week. Thelma: Oh, really? Well, Brian is a better guy, anyway. When two people who are dating stop being a couple, it is said that they break up....

Phrase of the Week: It really packs a punch!

Fred: How do you like my home-made salsa? Ben: Whoa! It really packs a punch! A strong alcohol or a spicy food is sometimes said to pack a punch. Eating or drinking it is a little bit like being punched with a fist. フレッド:手作りサルサはどう? ベン:すごい!かなり刺激的だね!...