Phrase of the Week: That’s none of your business!

Thelma: So what’s going on with you and Fred? Julia: That’s really none of your business. When someone is sticking their nose into your business, they are trying to learn about or interfere with your private life. You can tell them to mind their own business, but it...

Phrase of the Week: Look forward to

“Are you coming to my party on Saturday?” “Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it.” When we anticipate something pleasant in the future, it is sometimes hard to keep our minds on the present. Our attention tends to focus on whatever it is that we are looking forward...

Phrase of the Week: Any minute now

“Why is the train so late? I’m in a hurry.” “I’m sure it’ll come any minute now.” Something is going to happen soon. It could happen at any minute: this minute right now, the next minute, the minute after that, and so on. As for “now”, it means that previously...

Phrase of the Week: Get better

“Can you work today? I heard you got hurt last weekend.” “Oh, I’m fine. I had hurt my hand, but it got better.” “Get better” can be used to describe almost any improvement. For example, when showing a movie you like to a friend, you might answer their complaint of,...

Phrase of the Week: Trick or Treat

Kids: Trick or treat!! Neighbor: Oh, what cute costumes! Here, have some candy! When it starts to get dark on Halloween, groups of children start visiting all the houses in the neighborhood. If you want trick-or-treaters to come, you should put out a jack-o-lantern...