Picture of the Week: Fireworks

Last weekend was the biggest time for fireworks in the U.S. Saturday was the Fourth of July. This picture gives us a good view of the fireworks first shooting up into the sky and then exploding....

Picture of the Week: Galaxies

This is a picture taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Although you can’t see anything in this tiny square of the night sky with your eye, the powerful telescope found many distant galaxies....

Picture of the Week: Cherries

You’ve probably seen cherries in the store or on top of a dessert. Here they are growing on a tree. You might be surprised the first time you see a pineapple or a bunch of bananas as they grow, but cherries look just about how you would imagine....

Picture of the Week: Raspberries

The raspberries we eat are usually red, but other colors do exist. Some people say raspberries have too many seeds. What do you think? Is the taste of fresh raspberries worth getting seeds caught in your teeth?...

Picture of the Week: Mint

Mint is a popular flavor for candy and gum. There are actually many kinds of mint in this family of herbs. Some people find it too sharp unless it’s only a mild mint flavor accompanied by plenty of sugar. It also goes well with chocolate!...