Picture of the Week: Graduation

At a traditional graduation ceremony, the students wear special robes and special hats called “mortarboards”. Then at the end of the ceremony, they all throw their hats into the air. This is a common image of graduation in popular culture....

Picture of the Week: Raindrops

Has it been rainy this month in your area? Rain can be annoying, but also beautiful. Rainwater falls from the sky drop by drop. These drops are called “raindrops”. The droplets can look very pretty on an object such as a leaf or flower. These ones are on...

Picture of the Week: Spinach

Spinach can be eaten raw or cooked. The main character of the cartoon Popeye the Sailorman always uses spinach to give him the strength to beat the bad guys. This has contributed to the popularity of spinach in the US....

Picture of the Week: Pineapple

A pineapple is not an apple and it doesn’t grow on a pine tree. When English speakers first saw pineapples, they thought they looked line pine cones, but they had fruit inside, like an apple....