執筆者 Modern English | 2014年01月20日 | Pictures
Popcorn explodes when pressure builds up inside. It is a popular snack for watching movies. Popcorn itself is pretty healthy, but sometimes the toppings are not....
執筆者 Modern English | 2014年01月06日 | Pictures
A puddle is any small, shallow pool of liquid on a mostly flat surface. Most commonly, puddles form on the ground when it rains. Do you enjoy stepping in puddles, or would you rather keep your feet dry?...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年12月16日 | Pictures
Reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh. There used to be eight reindeer, but they were joined by Rudolph, so now there are nine. Santa’s reindeer are special because they can fly through magic....
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年12月09日 | Pictures
You can hang almost anything on a Christmas tree as an ornament, but shiny colored balls are traditional and common. The large red ball is extra fancy....
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年12月02日 | Pictures
The menorah is a nine-branched candle holder. It holds one candle for each day of Hanukkah, plus an extra one to light the others. Another candle is lit each day during the holiday....