執筆者 Modern English | 2013年08月19日 | Pictures
This is a great place for a picnic. There is a picnic table under a tree. Squirrels live here, but they are not bold enough to steal food. Where is your favorite place for a picnic?...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年08月05日 | Pictures
Onyx is a kind of stone. It has many bands or stripes. The stripes come in many colors. The name “onyx” comes from the Greek word for “fingernail”. オニキスは石の一種で、縦横にしま模様がたくさん入っています。...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年07月29日 | Pictures
The ruby is the birth stone of the month of July. They come in a range of shades of red or pink. The brighter red a ruby is, the more valuable it is. ...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年07月22日 | Pictures
Water lilies are flowers that bloom on the surface of the water. They also have big flat leaves called lily pads. スイレンは水の上で咲く花です。大きくて平たい葉は「lily pad」と呼ばれます。
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年07月08日 | Pictures
An old song tells us that on a certain day, teddy bears gather in the woods to have a picnic. Supposedly, July 10 is the day of the teddy bear picnic....