Picture of the Week: Bat

Bats are one of the scary animals we think of around Halloween. Is this bat scary? Or is it funny? Its tongue is sticking out. Maybe it’s just cute!...

Picture of the Week: Black Cat

Halloween season has started. The holiday isn’t until the last day of October, but the decorations are already up! This black cat is perfect for Halloween. The orange eyes match the color of the jack-o-lanterns.  ...

Picture of the Week: Forget-Me-Not

The name “forget-me-not” was translated from the German name of the flower around the year 1400. Given the name, it’s not surprising that it has been used as a symbol of remembrance. Another name for this type of flower is Myosotis, which comes from Greek for “mouse’s...

Picture of the Week: Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemums come from Asia and northeastern Europe. The English name comes from the Greek words for “gold” and “flower”. They are mostly used for decoration but sometimes also used in cooking in Japan, Korea and China.  ...