執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月04日 | Pictures
Dunguaire Castle is located on the west coast of Ireland. It was built around 1520. The tower is 75 feet tall. It is named after King Guaire. Legend tells us King Guaire was very generous, and if you ask a question at the front gate of the castle you will find the...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年02月25日 | Pictures
This waterfall is located in Quebec, Canada. It is 84 meters high, higher than Niagara Falls. Where can you see waterfalls in Japan? Are there any near you?...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年02月18日 | Pictures
The fur of some animals, like this fox, turns white in winter, so that the animal can blend in with the snow. Do you know any other animals that change color with the seasons? 北極ギツネ...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年02月04日 | Pictures
In this picture a man creates a spray of powdery snow while skiing on a scenic mountain. Have you ever been skiing? Where did you go?...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年01月28日 | Pictures
Frost is ice that clings to things such as leaves, branches, or, in this case, a window pane. If you sit next to the window in an airplane, you can see some frost on the window. It is cold outside the plane and the air trapped in the window cannot hold as much water...