Picture of the Week: Palm Trees

What do you need for a tropical vacation? All you really need is a beach with palm trees. In the U.S., Florida and Hawaii are good places for a tropical get-away. Palm trees can be found all over Florida, but the best scenery is in the south. ヤシの木...

Picture of the Week: Zeppelin

A zeppelin flies because it is full of a gas that is lighter than air. The first zeppelin flew on July 2, 1900. What is the difference between a zeppelin and a blimp? A zeppelin has rigid “bones” but a blimp does not. A blimp is more like a balloon. The most famous...

Picture of the Week: Australia: Watch for Sledders

This is one sign you will not see in Australia. It is a picture of a child on a sled and it either tells people not to sled in this area, or tells drivers to look out for people sledding in this area. The vast majority of land in Australia sees no snow, therefore...