Picture of the Week: Tomato

These tomatoes are sliced, so you can see the seeds. Do you like tomatoes? Raw or cooked?   このトマトは切ってあるから種が見えます。あなたはトマトが好きですか?生で食べられますか?

Picture of the Week: Amethyst

Amethyst is a violet quartz often used for jewelry. In ancient Greece, it was believed to protect against drunkenness, and drinking vessels were made from it. It’s also the birthstone for February.  ...

Picture of the Week: Pearl

Do you know how pearls are formed? Very rarely, they form inside an oyster or other mollusk, when a very small object gets inside its shell. The pearl builds up around the object....

Picture of the Week: Dragonfly

Has a dragonfly ever landed on you? They are so light that you might not notice. To a human, a dragonfly is beautiful and harmless, but to a smaller insect it is as scary as dragon!...