Picture of the Week: Dog in Snow

Lately it’s been feeling like summer. Let’s escape from the heat for a moment with a cold, snowy picture. This dog is enjoying the snow. Have you ever played with a pet in the snow?...

Picture of the Week: Gargoyle

Gargoyles were made to drain rain water from the rooves of buildings. The water flows out of the gargoyle’s mouth. Some gargoyles are just decorations. They look like scary monsters in order to frighten away evil spirits.  ...

Picture of the Week: Lantana

Lantana comes from warm tropical places in the Americas and Africa. It’s a colorful flower that attracts butterflies! ランタナはアメリカとアフリカの熱帯地方の植物です。色が鮮やかで、蝶々を惹き付ける花です!

Picture of the Week: Caterpillar

Have you seen any caterpillars lately? They make cocoons and then turn into moths or butterflies. 最近青虫や毛虫を見ましたか?繭を作って蝶々か蛾になります。