Picture of the Week: Prank

April 1 is April Fool’s Day, a holiday that encourages people to play tricks on others. For example, in this picture, someone has drawn on a kangaroo crossing sign so that the kangaroo looks like a dinosaur. Did you play any tricks this year on April 1?...

Picture of the Week: Chick

A baby chicken is called a chick. Yesterday was Easter. Chicks are associated with Easter and spring because they hatch from eggs and symbolize new life....

Picture of the Week: Skeleton

Do you think skeletons are cool or creepy? Understanding skeletons is important not only for doctors but for artists, who can draw the human body better when they know how it’s put together....

Picture of the Week: Upside-Down Bee

Bees pollinate not only decorative flowers, but also many plants we grow for food. Bees gather pollen, visiting different flowers. In the process, the bee brings pollen from one flower to another, allowing the flowers to make seeds....