Picture of the Week: Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed. Next to this man’s watch, it looks very small! Chihuahuas come in many colors and can have short or long fur. Have you seen any in your neighborhood?...

Picture of the Week: Monkeys

2016 is the Year of the Monkey! What is your Chinese zodiac? Do you believe it has any effect on your personality? 2016年は申年です!あなたの干支は何ですか?干支が性格に影響すると思いますか?

Picture of the Week: Nativity

A common religious decoration for Christmas is a scene showing baby Jesus in the manger with his parents. Sometimes the three wise men and various animals are also included....

Picture of the Week: Mouse

The well-known Christmas poem “The Night Before Christmas” starts out with these lines: ‘Twas the night before Christmas And all through the house Not a creature was stirring Not even a mouse. 有名なクリスマスの詩「クリスマスの前の晩」は、こう始まります。 クリスマスの前の晩...