TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“They say the client is always right, but it’s a good thing I was able to persuade him from using his cousin’s design.” Find the mistake. A. client is always right B. it’s a good thing C. persuade him from D. his cousin’s design...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“Our inventory system is ______. We should adopt a new one.” Fill in the blank. A. updated B. expired C. outdated D. postdated 「商品目録システムが古いです。新しいものを導入したほうがいいです。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“It’s a difficult problem, but if we work together we can figure up a solution.” Find the mistake. A. difficult B. work together C. figure up D. solution 「難しい問題ですが皆で力を合わせれば解決法がわかるはずです。」 Cook upやthink...

Modern English TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“If you want to take _____ in the festival, you must sign up by this Wednesday.” Fill in the blank. A. role B. part C. piece D. fun 「祭りに参加するなら水曜日までに登録しないといけません。」 「参加する」の部分に空欄があります。「Take」は「取る」など色々な意味はありますが、ここは決まったペアの片方です。Dのfunは、「祭りを楽しむ」という意味だったら「take...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“You can recognize this bird by its character pattern of colors.” Find the mistake. A. recognize B. by its C. character D. pattern 「この鳥は独特の色の模様で区別できます。」...