TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

Computers can perform calculators much faster than any human. Where is the mistake? A. Computers can B. perform calculators C. faster than D. any human 「コンピューターはどんな人間よりも早く計算を行うことができる。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

A late fee is a _______ that is added when you do not pay your bill on time. A. punish B. penalty C. purpose D. priority 「延滞料は期限までに支払わなかった場合に発生する違約金です。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

Thanks to our customers’ value feedback we were able to develop a quality product. Where is the mistake? A. customers’ B. value C. develop D. quality 「お客様方の貴重なご意見のおかげで高品質な商品を開発することができました。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

I don’t want to try any new exotic foods today; I just want something _______. A. family B. familiar C. famishing D. particular 「今日は新しい食べ物に挑戦したくない。もう慣れているものがほしい。」 「慣れている」ものはBの「familiar」です。 Do more TOEIC practice here!...