TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“I’m afraid this product isn’t ______ for the deal. The sale only applies to items priced $9.99 and up.” Fill in the blank. A. applicable B. eligible C. usable D. purchasable 「残念ながら、この商品はこの割引の対象外です。セールは$9.99以上の値段の商品が対象です。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“If the public finds out about this mistake, it will damage the ______ of the company.”   Fill in the blank. A. reliability B. reputation C. repetition D. reliance   「このミスが知られたら会社の評判が傷つきます。」  ...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“In this race, athletes from all around the country will compare to find out who is the fastest.” Find the mistake. A. athletes B. all around C. compare D. find out 「このレースで国中のアスリートが競い合って誰が一番早いかがわかります。」...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“You can’t go out dressed like that. Your socks don’t even ______.” Fill in the blank. A. match B. same C. together D. same color 「そのままでは出かけられないでしょう。靴下の色が違う。」...