Trivia of the Week: Typhoon vs. Hurricane

Both typhoons and hurricanes are large, dangerous, spiral-shaped storms. Typhoons are common in Japan, while hurricanes often strike America. So what’s the difference? Actually, the only difference between a hurricane and a typhoon is where it was formed. Hurricanes...

Trivia of the Week: Dustbin

A dustbin is the same thing as a garbage can or trash can. A “bin” is not much different from a “can”—cans tend to be round, but we can call something a trash can even if it isn’t round. So is dust the same as trash or garbage? Actually, no. On its own, “dust” is...

Trivia of the Week: Cow Words

Similar to horses, cows are also called by different words. A baby cow is a calf. A male cow is not actually a cow; he is a bull. A female cow is just a cow, although if she is young she can be called a heifer....

Trivia of the Week: Horse Words

Nowadays, most people have never ridden a horse, but for most of history many people relied on horses. Even today, we have many words for different kinds of horses. Here are just a few. A female horse is a mare, and a male horse is a stallion. A baby horse is a foal,...

Trivia of the Week: Avocado

Although it’s green and not very sweet, avocado is actually a fruit. Avocados grow on trees and contain one large seed. Another name for avocado is “alligator pear”. We think avocados first came from Mexico. One popular avocado dish is guacamole, a dip for corn chips....