Trivia of the Week: Jaguar

The jaguar is a beautiful spotted cat that lives in the rainforest in Central and South America. Not only can they climb trees, they can also swim. Sometimes a jaguar is born with all black fur, although if you look closely you can still see the spots....

Trivia of the Week: Rainforest

Rainforests are a kind of forest where a lot of rain falls. Most rainforests are tropical. They are very warm. More unique species can be found in the rainforest than anywhere else. We still haven’t discovered many plants and animals that live in the rain forest. But...

Trivia of the Week: The Rainy Season

Many places other than Japan also have rainy seasons, wet seasons or monsoons. Some places in the Mediterranean, and also California and Australia, have their wet season in winter and dry seasons in the summer. A monsoon is a rainy season that occurs because the wind...

Trivia of the Week: Pruney Fingers

Have you noticed that if you take a long bath, the skin on your fingers and toes gets wrinkly? English speakers call this “pruney fingers”, because the wrinkled skin looks like the skin of a prune (a sweet dried plum). Scientists say this doesn’t happen because our...

Trivia of the Week: A.k.a.

“John Smith, a.k.a. the Springfield Bandit, was arrested yesterday.” “A.k.a.” stands for “also known as”. We use it to tell another name of a person or thing. For example, it can be used with nicknames, pen names or aliases. However, when the additional information is...