Trivia of the Week: Buttercup

A buttercup is a small yellow flower. The name sounds cute and delicious, but actually, they are poisonous. Cows and horses sometimes get sick from eating them if they have nothing else to eat....

Trivia of the Week: Sprinkles

Sprinkles are tiny colorful candies that are used for decoration, not for flavor. They are often seen on top of ice cream, cookies, cupcakes or other sweets. A mix of rainbow colors is probably most common, but they can also be found in single colors or themed...

Trivia of the Week: Red Giant

A red giant is a kind of star. It’s much bigger than our sun—it’s giant! But it’s actually not very massive or dense, for a star. Its light is orange or red. Red giants are older stars that have burned up their fuel. When a star like ours burns out and collapses, the...

Trivia of the Week: Sinkholes

A sinkhole is a hole that forms when the surface collapses after the rock below is worn away. They can also form when a cave or tunnel collapses. They can form gradually or suddenly and they can be big or small. Some can become huge lakes, and others can suddenly...

Trivia of the Week: Instinct

Animals can do many things by instinct. For example, baby sea turtles crawl into the ocean. Birds can build nests. Some behaviors that seem like instinct also require learning from older animals. Of course, humans also have instincts!  ...