Trivia of the Week: Tea!

Do you know the difference between Japanese green tea and English tea? Actually, they come from the exact same plant! The difference is that English tea is fermented, while green tea is not. There are many different types of tea, all prepared in different ways. Why...

Trivia of the Week: Facial Hair

What do you call hair growing on a man’s face? There are several different words! Hair that grows above the mouth but below the nose is a moustache. Hair that grows below the mouth is a beard. There are also names for different styles of moustaches and beards. Do...

Trivia of the Week: Japanese English: No My Car Day

My car belongs to me. We don’t use the possessive pronoun ‘my’ in the third person or when speaking generally. ‘No my car day’ sounds like nonsense to native English speakers. To express this we would probably say something like, ‘No Car Day,’ just as there is an...

Trivia of the Week: Japanese English: Safety-driver

We have a safety-pin, safety matches, safety-belt and safety-goggles, but no safety drivers. We say ‘safe driver’, but more probably, careful driver. Safety is a noun, the adjective is safe. Safety-driver is Japanese. セーフティードライバー...

Trivia of the Week: Japanese English: Fighto

In English, ‘fight’ (never with ‘o’ at the end), means a verbal argument or physical fight. When Japanese translate 頑張って!to ファイトー, it sounds very strange to native English speakers. E.g. ‘I’m meeting a new girl tomorrow.’ ‘Fight!’ – would give completely the wrong...