Trivia of the Week: Deus ex Machina

“Deus ex Machina” isn’t really English; it’s Latin! But we use it in English to describe stories in which a powerful force solves the protagonist’s problems. It means “god from the machine” and comes from Greek plays where a machine was used to allow an actor to play...

Trivia of the Week: Trident

A trident is a three-pronged spear. The name means “three teeth”! In mythology, it’s associated with the ocean. Neptune or Poseidon, the god of the ocean, wields a trident.  ...

Trivia of the Week: Doughnut Holes

When you make the ring shape of a doughnut, the hole in the center leaves a bite-size round lump of leftover dough. At some point, people started frying the leftover pieces and eating them as “doughnut holes”. Now, you can even find doughnut-hole-sized versions of...

Trivia of the Week: Boomerang

A boomerang is a traditional weapon from Australia. It’s a long flat piece of wood that in an “L” shape. It’s famous for coming back when thrown, but there are both returning and non-returning types. The ones that return are more commonly used for sport and...

Trivia of the Week: Doughnuts

“Doughnut” sounds like a nut made of dough. It is actually a sweet, fried ring made of dough. It can also be spelled as “donut”. Some doughnuts, especially when filled with cream or fruit, don’t have holes in the middle.  ...