look, see, watch

今日は、lookとseeとwatchについてです。「この場合はlook?watch?」なんて悩んだことありませんか?この3つ、とっても奥深いんですが、大まかに分けるとこんな感じです。 日本語では「見る」って意味ですが、英語だと状況によって使い分けます。 lookは意識的に何かを見る場合です。 例えば、 Look at the dog! It’s so cute. 「あの犬みて!めちゃくちゃかわいい」 What are you looking at? 「なに見てるの?」...


今月からは知ってそうで意外に知らない英語をご紹介しますね。 今日は、みなさんも良く使うmanyとmuchです。 どちらも量や数を表す「たくさんの~」という意味ですね。   manyとmuchの違いは何でしょう? それは、後にくる名詞が数えられるか数えられないかで使い分けます。 manyは数えられる名詞、muchは数えられない名詞の時で、主に疑問文や否定文で活用します。 例えばこんな感じ。 How many presents did you get?  I didn’t get many presents....

Word of the Week: Bake

“We are baking Christmas cookies!” “Baking” is a kind of cooking that usually involves heating something for a long time in an oven. We bake cakes, cookies and bread. To be specific, baking is cooking using a dry heat without a direct flame. We also bake clay to...

Word of the Week: Feast

“Wow, what a feast! You must have been cooking all day!” A feast is a big, luxurious meal that includes many dishes. In the U.S. many people have a big, elaborate meal on Thanksgiving at the end of November. But Christmas dinner is also an important holiday meal!...

Word of the Week: Remember

“I remember the time I first met your father.” “I don’t remember my password on this website.” “Do you remember what happened yesterday?” To remember can be to think back on something that happened, or it can be to have information stored in your brain where you can...