Word of the Week: Feast

“Wow, what a feast! You must have been cooking all day!” A feast is a big, luxurious meal that includes many dishes. In the U.S. many people have a big, elaborate meal on Thanksgiving at the end of November. But Christmas dinner is also an important holiday meal!...

Word of the Week: Remember

“I remember the time I first met your father.” “I don’t remember my password on this website.” “Do you remember what happened yesterday?” To remember can be to think back on something that happened, or it can be to have information stored in your brain where you can...

Word of the Week: Indeed

“Did you get my letter?” “I did indeed.” “My friend had told me his dog was big, and I saw that he is indeed a very big dog.” “Did you draw that? It’s very beautiful indeed.” “Indeed” can be used as emphasis or to confirm something as true. 「手紙は届きましたか?」 「届いたとも。」...

Word of the Week: Fidget

“I want my kids to enjoy music so I took them to a classical concert, but they were bored and fidgeted the whole time.” “At the job interview, the chair was so uncomfortable, it was hard not to fidget. I hope nobody noticed.” To fidget is to move around slightly,...

Word of the Week: Surround

“The excited children surrounded the man dressed as Santa Claus.” “The yard is surrounded by a fence.” “There’s no escape! We’re surrounded by enemies!” “Surround” often appears in the passive voice. It means that something is present on all sides. If you put speakers...