Word of the Week: Trick

“Trick or treat!” The “trick” in “trick or treat” is a prank or joke that children might play if they don’t get a treat (candy). Most trick-or-treaters won’t actually play any tricks. But then again, most trick-or-treaters receive candy from every house they visit!...

Word of the Week: Mistaken

“You must be mistaken. I’ve never been here before.”   “Mistaken” is the past participle of “mistake” as a verb: “He had mistaken the branch for a snake!” It’s also commonly used this way: “If you think I’ll accept those conditions, you are mistaken.” It...

Word of the Week: Mistake, cont.

Last week we looked at “mistake” as a noun. We can also use it as a verb. “Did you mistake me for someone else?” “I mistook the gas pedal for the brake.” When you see (or hear or feel) someone or something, but think it is something or someone else, you have mistaken...

Word of the Week: Mistake

“I made a mistake on this form. Can I have another copy?” “There must be some mistake. I don’t have a reservation under that name.” “Mistake” is most often used as a noun. You can make a mistake. You can find or notice a mistake someone else made. You can catch a...

Word of the Week: Brag

“I know you scored the winning goal, but don’t brag about it.”   To brag is to talk about your own accomplishments, not just to share happy news but in an arrogant way. Most people usually find this annoying, so it’s a negative word. In some situations, like job...