Word of the Week: Breathe

“Don’t forget to breathe.” “It was really scary. I couldn’t breathe!” It can be easy to confuse the spelling of “breathe” and “breath” (a noun, as in “Take a deep breath”), because the letters “eath” make the same vowel sound as in “breathe” in words like “wreath”....

Word of the Week: Oops

“Oops! I forgot to lock the door!” “Oh, I spelled this word wrong. Oops!”   “Oops” is something we say when we realize we made a mistake. It can also occasionally be used to sympathize with someone else’s mistake....

Word of the Week: Beat

“I finally beat my dad at tennis!” “I can’t beat the last level of this game!” “Beat” can mean to hit something, but in these examples to win against someone or something. 「やっとテニスで父さんに勝った!」 「いつももう少しのところで勝てないんだ。」...

Word of the Week: Pour

“Oh, you made lemonade? Pour me a glass.” “Next, pour a little batter onto the pan.” “It’s really pouring outside!”   “Pour” describes letting some liquid fall from a container. We often pour liquids such as...

Word of the Week: Anonymous

“The police received an anonymous tip.” “No one knows who wrote this because it was published anonymously.”   When you are anonymous, it means no one knows who you are. Your name and identity are not shown. In many places on the Internet,...