Word of the Week: Leftovers

“We cooked so much food for Thanksgiving, we’ve been eating leftovers ever since.” When food is left over from a meal, you can eat it later as “leftovers”. Although most things are better freshly made, there are many foods that are...

Word of the Week: Treat

“Who’s a good dog? You get a treat!” “I took the kids out for ice cream as a treat.” “I treated my friend to pizza on his birthday.” As a noun, a treat often means a sweet food, but it can mean any special food or experience,...

Word of the Week: Serve

“Welcome to Sandy’s Sandwiches. I’ll be your server today.” “This food is awful! I can’t believe you serve this garbage.” A waiter or waitress can be called a server, because they bring food to the customers. You might also...

Word of the Week: Spine

Your spine is your backbone. It’s made of vertebrae. Animals that have backbones are called vertebrates. Animals without them are invertebrates. Metaphorically, having a spine allows you to stand up for yourself. “Don’t be spineless. Show those...

Word of the Week: Knot

A knot is what we create when we tie two strings together. Knots are so important that there are names for many different kinds of knots, and they often appear in metaphors. A problem that’s difficult to solve is “knotty”. When two people get married...