Word of the Week: Collar

“I got a new collar for Spot. Doesn’t he look handsome?” Dogs and some other animals wear collars on their necks. For pets, the information on the collar can help them find their way home if they get lost. Perhaps your shirt also has a collar. The...

Word of the Week: Hold, part 2

“Hold still while I cut your hair, please.” “Hold the dog while I open the door.” “You hold the board and I’ll cut it.” Another meaning of hold is to not move or to stop something from moving. It makes sense, because when you...

Word of the Week: Hold

“Can I hold the baby?” “He was holding a gun!” “Hold” has many meanings. It often means to have something in your hand(s) or arms, such as the baby or the gun above. With the gun, you could say, “He has a gun!” without...

Word of the Week: Seconds

“This is really good. Can I have seconds?” “Sure, there’s plenty!” When we say we want “seconds”, what we mean is a second helping of some kind of food. What if you have three helpings? The third helping doesn’t have a...

Word of the Week: Born

“I was born in the year 2000.” It can be easy to make mistakes with “born” because it’s actually the passive form of “bear”. If a woman bears a child, the child is born. The past tense is “bore”: “She bore...