執筆者 Modern English | 2015年06月02日 | Words
“I love to walk along the beach at twilight.” Twilight is the time after sunset before it’s completely dark. Its adjective form is “twilight” (lit by twilight): “The twilit garden was a romantic setting.” 「黄昏の海辺を歩くのが大好き。」...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年05月26日 | Words
“Come say hello to our guest. No? Sorry, he’s shy.” Someone who is shy is afraid or nervous to meet or interact with people they don’t know well. An introverted person is not necessarily shy, although the two words are sometimes used...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年05月19日 | Words
“This bird is very rare. There are only a few left in the wild. We are very lucky today. It’s a rarity to see two of them together.” Something that is very unusual and hard to find is rare. It’s also often valuable, such as a rare vase or a rare trading card. “Rarity”...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年05月12日 | Words
“Hearing the crash, he dashed into the garage to see what had happened.” “Dash” can be a noun or a verb. Its most common meaning is a short, fast run. It’s more exciting than “sprint”, and more likely to be used to describe an...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年04月28日 | Words
“The bird fluttered to the top of the fence post.” “Cherry petals fluttered down upon the picnickers.” “Flutter” describes a light, dainty flapping motion. It’s used for small, cute flying things (such as birds or...