Word of the Week: Rare

“This bird is very rare. There are only a few left in the wild. We are very lucky today. It’s a rarity to see two of them together.” Something that is very unusual and hard to find is rare. It’s also often valuable, such as a rare vase or a rare trading card. “Rarity”...

Word of the Week: Dash

“Hearing the crash, he dashed into the garage to see what had happened.” “Dash” can be a noun or a verb. Its most common meaning is a short, fast run. It’s more exciting than “sprint”, and more likely to be used to describe an...

Word of the Week: Flutter

“The bird fluttered to the top of the fence post.” “Cherry petals fluttered down upon the picnickers.” “Flutter” describes a light, dainty flapping motion. It’s used for small, cute flying things (such as birds or...

Word of the Week: Sparkle

“We want to make a good impression, so polish the floor until it sparkles!” Something that sparkles gives off flashes of light. Of course, a clean floor is just reflecting light from another source. But small lights like stars can also sparkle....

Word of the Week: Stem

The long tall part at the center of a tree is a “trunk” but on a flower it is thinner, more flexible, and usually green. The “stick” part of a flower is a “stem”. 木の中心にある高くて長い部分は trunk(幹)ですが、花の場合はもっと細くて曲がりやすく、通常緑色です。花の「棒」みたいな部分を...