Word of the Week: Barely

“Wow, I just barely passed the test. Next time I will study harder!” “Barely” means “almost not”. I passed the test, but if I had missed one more question I would have failed. “He survived, but when they found him he was barely alive.” “I barely ate anything at...

Word of the Week: Stay

“How long will you be staying in Japan?” “Please stay here and wait. I’ll be back in five minutes.” “Use an umbrella to stay dry.” “Stay” means “remain the same”. While you stay in Japan, or stay inside the house, your location doesn’t change. Then when you leave...

Word of the Week: Lately

Doctor: “What seems to be the problem?” Patient: “I’ve just been so tired lately.” “Lately” is an adverb that means “in recent times”, similar to “recently”. If you meet a friend you haven’t seen in a while, you can ask, “How have you been lately?” If you have been...

Word of the Week: Available

On a computer: “Error. Insufficient memory available.” At an airport: “Sorry, there are no seats available on that flight.” At a pet shelter: “This adorable dog is available for adoption!” Talking with friends: “I really like June, but she’s not available. She has a...

Word of the Week: Previous

“I didn’t know the area very well yet, because I had just moved there the previous year.” “Previous” describes something that comes before the thing in question, in a sequence of things. It’s useful because we can’t say “last year” when talking about the past or...