Word of the Week: Mole

“Moles are digging up my back yard.” A mole is an animal that burrows in the ground. They spend most of their time underground, so they don’t need to see very well. They eat things like worms and insects that they find in the ground. 「モグラが裏庭を掘り起こしてしまっている。」...

Word of the Week: Thrifty

“John was a thrifty man who did most of his shopping at the second-hand store.” A thrifty person doesn’t like to spend a lot of money. He or she doesn’t buy unnecessary things and always finds a good price. Are you thrifty? Have you found a good deal recently?...

Word of the Week: Neighbor

“My dog got out, so I’ll ask the neighbors if they have seen him.” The word “neighbor” usually refers to a person who lives in a house near yours. It can also be used to mean a person whose desk is near yours in your office or classroom, a person who is near you in...

Word of the Week: Splurge

“I splurged on this Blu-ray box set of my favorite TV show.” To splurge is to spend a lot of money on something extravagant. Sometimes we want to buy something nice even though it is pretty expensive. It’s okay to treat ourselves to something now and then....

Word of the Week: Procrastinate

“Don’t procrastinate and put off your homework until the last minute.” Procrastinating is ignoring something you need to do and spending time on something else. When a teacher gives students a lot of time for a big project, it’s a sure bet that most students will...