Word of the Week: Saunter

“She sauntered down the street, sipping her coffee and looking at the shop windows.” Sauntering is a kind of walking. It is a relaxed, casual walk. Sauntering people are usually happy and calm. 「彼女はコーヒーをすすりながら、道をゆっくり歩いて、お店のショーウィンドウを覗きました。」...

Word of the Week: Catfish

What do you picture when you hear the word “catfish”? It is a common joke to draw a catfish as a fish with a cat’s head. But it is actually just a regular fish. The name comes from its barbels, which look like a cat’s whiskers....

Word of the Week: Mutt

A mutt is a mixed-breed dog. Sometimes people use it as an affectionate or insulting name for any dog. Mutts can be more unique than pure-bred dogs, and are less likely to get illnesses that are common to certain breeds....

Word of the Week: Aunt

An ant is an insect that lives in a hill of dirt and sometimes bites. An aunt is your parent’s sister. Sometimes children call older women who are their friends or their parents’ friends “aunt”. But it is not as common as the use of “aunt” in Japanese to mean any...

Word of the Week: Married

July is a popular month for weddings. What happens at a wedding? Someone gets married! Afterward, they are married. If you want to date an adult, first you must find out if he or she is married or single. 7月は結婚式に人気の月です。結婚式では何が起こりますか?誰かが結婚するのです(gets...