執筆者 Modern English | 2013年04月02日 | Words
Before you can use an electronic device (without a battery) you must plug it in to a socket in the wall. Televisions, computers, laundry machines, lights, and many other household electronics need electricity. Sometimes we need to move something, or we need to free up...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月26日 | Words
Water can take several forms. When it gets cold and freezes, it becomes ice. When it gets hot and evaporates, it becomes steam. Steam can be used to power trains and cook food. Steam is invisible, but it condenses to form tiny floating water droplets in the air, and...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月19日 | Words
“Did you know you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe?” “Oh no! How embarrassing! Thank you for telling me.” When something embarrassing happens, it embarrasses you and you feel embarrassed. This is a common pattern in words about feelings. For example, confusing...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月12日 | Words
“Wow! The magician just appeared out of thin air!” “It’s a trick. He actually used a trap door or something. It only appears to be magic.” “Appear” has more than one meaning. It can mean “arrive”: “The classroom became quiet as soon as the teacher appeared.” It can...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月05日 | Words
“Want to see my new pet?” “Eek! A mouse!” “It’s not a mouse, it’s a hamster.” “Well, they’re both rodents!” “But you like rabbits…” The most well-known rodents are mice, but rabbits, hamsters, and many other animals are also rodents. The largest rodent is the...