Word of the Week: Rarely (あまり~ない)

Tucker: Let’s get together for breakfast this Sunday. Paul: Let’s make it lunch. I rarely get out of bed before noon on the weekends. Something that happens rarely does not happen very often. It happens only occasionally. It is not impossible. Paul probably does get...

Word of the Week: Broke (文無し)

Maurine: Oh no, I forgot my wallet. Could you lend me three dollars for some coffee? Catherine: I would, but I’m completely broke! Sorry! When you are broke, you have no money at all. If you knock a vase off of a table and it breaks, it is not broke; it is broken....

Word of the Week: Handful (一握り)

Tour Guide: Only a handful of people have ever seen the view from this mountaintop. Wasn’t it worth the hike? A handful is literally the amount that you can pick up in your hand. At Halloween, children may be invited to grab a handful of candy out of a bowl. But it is...

Word of the Week: Opposite (反対語)

Freddy: Dad, what’s the opposite of “tiny”? Dad: Hmm, how about “huge”? Freddy: What about “love”? Dad: Well, some say “hate”, but others say “apathy”. The opposite of a word is another word that is as different from it as possible on some scale (that is, “elephant”...

Word of the Week: Eyesore

Ellen: Did you see the new building down the road? It’s finally finished. Opal: Yeah! But what an eyesore! Ellen: I know! It’s a real monstrosity. An eyesore is something really ugly. If your neighbor puts up a big ugly decoration in his yard, you might complain that...