Word of the Week: Hammer

“Mind your manners, Billy! Stop hammering on the table!” A hammer is a tool used to pound in nails. The word can also be used as a verb, meaning to hit something with a hammer, or to repeatedly pound on something. 「ビリー、お行儀悪いよ!テーブルをバンバン叩くのはやめなさい!」...

Word of the Week: Bright

Bob: I heard your daughter won the spelling bee. Ted: Yes, she’s very bright. “Bright” usually refers to something that emits light, such as the sun or a light bulb. But when a person is bright, it means that they are smart or clever. Animals can be bright too....

Word of the Week: To Mind

“Mind if I smoke?” To mind something means to be bothered by it. We usually say “I don’t mind,” when something does not bother us. It is less common to see the positive form except in answer to a question: “Do you mind if I smoke?” “Yes, I do mind. It makes me cough.”...

Word of the Week: Hiss

“Come on, Whiskers, you have to take this pill. Don’t hiss at me! Ouch!” A hiss is the sound of air escaping. Snakes hiss. Cats hiss when they are angry or afraid. A gas leak might also make a hissing sound. People are said to hiss when they whisper angrily....

Word of the Week: Spot (as in see)

The thief tried to sneak into the museum, but a guard spotted him climbing the wall. “Spot” usually means a patch of color, but as a verb it can mean “to see” or “to catch sight of”. If you are looking around trying to see something, and you finally succeed, you have...